4 Ways to Make 2021 Amazing

Ready to have an amazing year? We are too! Taking time for reflection, release, and gratitude helps shift your focus and create a framework for your best 2021. This inner journey may also illuminate a need to ask for help.

1. Start with reflection – Journaling about 2020 helps you identify the rollercoaster of emotions you felt and honor yourself for your solutions and growth. There are no right or wrong ways to journal. Try these questions to get started:

  • What were your struggles in 2020?
  • What did you learn about yourself?
  • What did you overcome?

2. Release – Your frustrations, fears and struggles from the year may be top of mind after journaling. A tiny ceremony helps you let them go and clear your mind. Listing them on paper and safely burning it can be cathartic. If you prefer not to play with fire, write on a few coveted squares of toilet paper and enjoy flushing those negatives!

3. Shift to gratitude – It’s likely your reflections include thankfulness. Grow that attitude of gratitude by listing everything for which you are grateful. This can be a fun family project! Try adding drawings, creating a collage, or starting a gratitude jar for the year.

4. Ask for help – Many of us need some help to release the effects of 2020 and move forward in the best frame of mind. Support is available! Some options include:

  • A listening partner agrees to make time to listen to you without offering advice or solutions. You return the gift to that partner when they need it.
  • A life or business coach helps you set goals, identify obstacles, and create strategies for growth.
  • A counselor or care provider can help you maintain your best mental and physical health, and set wellness goals for the year.
  • National hotlines offer emotional support for all types of struggles, not just crisis. Volunteers are trained to help with loneliness, depression, grief, economic concerns, and other overwhelming feelings. Resources:
  • US Disaster Distress Helpline – 1-800-985-5900 or text TalkWithUs to 66746
  • The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) – 1-800-950-6264
  • The National Suicide Prevention Hotline – 1-800-273-8255

If you enjoy this practice, consider using it throughout the year for your best overall wellbeing. Know someone else who would benefit? Please share.

Wishing you the best year ahead!

Photo credit: Alexandra Fuller