Live Well

Enjoy the Holidays This Year (For Real!)

The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy and merriment. But that’s not always the case. In fact, your fa la la can often feel more like a funk. It’s common around holiday time to feel overwhelmed, even depressed. And all that running around can take a toll on your joints. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Read on for some solutions to some your biggest holiday hitches.

Holiday Problem #1: You’re overwhelmed by the sheer volume of things you have to do.

You’ve got to buy and wrap presents for the kids, the grandkids, 17 cousins, plus the neighbor’s dog, prepare five courses for the family holiday party, bake five dozen cookies for the neighborhood pot luck , get those holiday cards out—and did you forget cousin Sheila? Make that 18 cousins to buy and wrap for.

The holiday season is full of obligations. Some of them fun, some of them not so fun, but all of them chock full of stress. How do you manage it all?

The fix: First, take a deep breath. Everything does not have to get done today. In fact, every single thing doesn’t have to get done at all. If your to-do list is a mile long, prioritize. What’s really important? What can you let go? Focus on what really matters, then leave the rest behind. If you forgo baking that fruitcake this year, will anybody really care? If cousin #18 doesn’t get a gift, will the earth stop turning on its axis? Absolutely not. The holidays should be a time of enjoyment. So enjoy yourself!

Holiday Problem #2: You’re feeling blue.

It’s quite common to feel depressed over the holidays. The season brings back all sorts of memories—happy times with parents who may be gone or friends who have moved away. You may be seeing social media posts of others around you spending quality time with huge groups of friends and extended family while you feel alone. Why is everyone else bright-eyed and bursting with holiday spirit while you’re feeling wretched and want nothing more than to bury yourself under the covers until next year?

The fix: One of the most important things to understand is that social media is often skewed. Nobody’s posting details of the fight they had with their spouse last night, or showing the picture of the ham they left in the oven too long. What you’re seeing is not based in reality. You’re never going to be as happy as your neighbor looks on Facebook – because he’s not that happy either!

Once you realize that, you can turn to your own life, and make it more enjoyable day to day. Take up a hobby that has made you smile in the past. Devote some time to a passion like sewing, reading, or playing the piano. Restorative exercises like yoga, tai chi, or even a meditative walk around the block can be soothing.

One activity that can almost always be helpful is volunteering with those less fortunate. Whether it’s caroling for the elderly in a nursing home, making sandwiches for homeless families, or taking up a collection of toys for a local hospital, doing good for others can make you feel good.

Holiday Problem #3: Your body is screaming

Long lines at the mall are taking a toll. Staying up late for holiday parties, waking up earlier to try to get more done in the day, traveling to different time zones, rushing from activity to activity, drinking hyper-caffeinated drinks at every turn… these can all wreak havoc on your schedule and your body, including dehydration and stiff, achy joints from all that moving around.

The fix: Make sure you carry a bottle of water with you at all times (and drink!). To help you body absorb the water you’re drinking, consider taking Replace® SR Sustained Release Electrolytes. Each tablet uses our advanced delivery technology to release electrolytes slowly over a 4- to 6-hour period as your body needs them to help you absorb the water you drink to stay hydrated.*

When out shopping, wear comfortable clothes—dress in layers so you can take things off and put them on when going in and out of stores. Sneakers may not be the prettiest, but they do give you proper support when doing power mall shopping. Stand at a countertop or sit at a chair and table when wrapping gifts and take frequent breaks to stretch your shoulders the opposite way (pull your elbows back, squeeze your shoulder blades together and open your chest).

To help keep your joints comfortable and flexible during the holidays (and all year long), add ENDUR-FLEX® Glucosamine500mg/Chondroitin200mg to your daily routine. Our unique sustained release technology powers this special formula to deliver dual benefits. It not only supports cartilage tissue repair and regeneration, but promotes the production of lubricating fluids for your joints and cartilage. That means whether you’re shopping, cooking, or cleaning, a day on your feet doesn’t have to mean a night of achy joints.*

About Endurance Products Company

Endurance Products Company has been a trusted source of quality dietary supplements since 1978. Our sustained-release and extended-release tablets feature a unique vegetable wax matrix that releases nutrients in a slow, steady manner over a period of hours for optimal nutrient absorption and retention.

s in a slow, steady manner over a period of hours for optimal nutrient absorption and retention.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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