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Frequently Asked Questions
To manage your subscription, click the login button on our website. Once logged in, select the "Manage Your Subscription" button, where you can update your information.
To use your reward points, select the "Subscription Points" you wish to apply. These points will automatically be used for your next order.
Yes, you will receive an email notification three days before your next shipment, giving you ample time to cancel or modify your order.
You can adjust your subscription schedule through your account settings.
Yes! To skip a shipment, simply click the "Skip" or "Cancel" button for the order. You can update your subscription whenever you're ready to resume.
Log in to your account and update your payment details in the payment information section. If you encounter any issues, feel free to call us for assistance.
To cancel your subscription, simply log into your profile at Select the lime green “Manage Subscription” button, and select Cancel.