Raising healthy children in today's fast-paced world, in which we are inundated with convenience foods, flashy advertisements, and changing dietary trends, can be a challenge. Ensuring that your children and teenagers grow up with a healthy attitude towards food, as well as good nutritional habits, is essential.
As parents or caregivers, you have a crucial role to play in the development of positive habits. Read on to learn how you can nurture young healthy eaters, one meal at a time.
Lead by Example
Children and young people are highly impressionable. If they see their parents opting for fresh fruit over processed snacks or water over sugary soda, they are likely to follow your lead and do the same.
By setting a good example and creating a family environment where nutritious foods are the norm, you will instill a positive approach to healthy eating and lifelong habits that your children will carry forward into adulthood.
Keep It Fun and Engaging
Food should be fun! To engage your children in healthy eating early on in life, make meals an enjoyable occasion. Use plenty of colorful veggies to make dishes appealing, vary tastes and textures, and foster an atmosphere of curiosity around new foods.
You can even get your children involved in the kitchen. Depending on their ages you might let them toss a salad, knead bread dough, or even choose a vegetable for the day. This not only educates them about different foods but also allows them to start taking ownership over their own food choices.
Educate on Nutrition
Children and teenagers often want to know why they are being asked to do something. If you offer them education about the facts of nutrition, they are more likely to start making positive choices for themselves.
For example, if a teenager understands that calcium is crucial for their growing bones, they might reach for a glass of milk more often. Or if a child understands why soda is so bad for their teeth and can lead to cavities if consumed in excess, they might choose to have it less frequently.
Tools like educational story books for younger children or documentaries for teens can help to spark their interest and improve their nutritional literacy.
Make Healthy Snacks Available
It's natural for children and teenagers to get hungry between meals. By keeping a stock of healthy snacks available (cut up fruits and vegetables, nuts, yogurt without added sugar, and whole-grain crackers are great options), you will encourage and enable them to make good choices when hunger strikes.
Limit Junk Food and Set Boundaries
It’s also a good idea to limit the junk food you keep at home and set boundaries around when it can be consumed. For example, perhaps your children are allowed one sweet snack after school or at the end of the evening meal.
It is unrealistic to completely avoid these foods, especially with teens who might have more autonomy over their food choices, but it is essential to limit their intake. The best way to reduce temptation around unhealthy foods–for yourself as well as your children–is simply to limit the quantities and types that you keep in the house.
Encourage Mindful Eating
The environment in which we eat has a significant impact on our food choices and intake. Far too many of us eat on the go, snack mindlessly when bored, or watch television while we eat.
Make meals without distractions an important part of your family life. This means no screens at the dinner table, and no multitasking while eating. Instead, sit down together at the table and have a conversation over a meal. This promotes quality family time as well as helping children to learn how to eat mindfully and recognize when they are full.
Separate Food from Morality
Avoid the temptation to label foods as “good” or “bad”, and resist any moralizing language around food and bodies. This can lead to unhealthy habits, body image issues, and even eating disorders.
Instead, focus on the nutritional benefits of each food. Explain to your children how certain foods fuel their bodies, helping them to study more effectively, excel in sports, or grow up healthily. Make sure they know that treats are fine once in a while and that everything can be enjoyed in moderation.
Foster An Open Dialogue Around Food and Health

As your children grow into teenagers and your teenagers grow into adults, they will be exposed to various diets, trends, and food misinformation through their peers and the media. Encourage them to come to you with any questions they may have. By maintaining an open dialogue, you can guide them through any misconceptions.
With this guidance, positive role models, and fact-based education, they will build the knowledge base and good habits they need to grow into healthy adults.